The timetable for Semester 2 Session 2021/2022 can be viewed starting from 21st March 2022 (Monday) at LECTURE TIMETABLE. First lecture starts on 11th April 2022.

All students (MASTER’S/Ph.D/Ed.D) are COMPULSORY to :


Pay Tuition Fees before registration

*To check and pay your Tuition Fees, please log on to epayment.upsi

Should you have any queries, please contact:

Student Finance Unit, Bursar’s Department

015-48797761 or email ukpk@bendahari

15th March 2022 until 20th April 2022

For Semester and Course Registration, please log on to https://unistudent.upsi.edu.my/login

(including Master’s by Research & Ph.D degree students)

  • Registration can only be made after 48 hours upon payment (working days)
  • Registration for the Semester is automatic once the Personal Information of the students is updated online via
  • Please refer to Lecture Timetable and Program Structure on MyUPSI Portal before doing a course registration (Please refer to the to the faculty regarding Program Structure).

Should you have any queries, please contact:

05-4505495 or email to up.ips@upsi

21st March 2022 until 24th April 2022
3.For Late Registration, penalty will be charged starting from 25th April 2022

Late Semester Registration : RM10.00/day

Late Add/Drop Course : RM30.00/course

Late Add/Drop Course : RM10.00 /day

The penalty will be charged if students made a payment after 25th April 2022. Notice of Termination will be given if the student didn’t do anything until week 7 (29th May 2022).